DNSDICT6 Tool Tutorial: Hacking is always fun but only if you know what to do. Available websites typically only teach basic or simple novice level skills. We are the only website which provides elite level tutorials and concepts. To strengthen our name, we are starting a sub-level campaign KYB (Know your Backtrack) under BEHC (Born Ethical Hackers Club) campaign. In the KYB campaign, we will teach all the Backtrack Hacking Tools available to hackers. This is the first tutorial in the series. Today we will learn DNSDICT6 Hacking Tool. Let’s begin.
DNSDICT6 Tool Tutorial: BASICS
DNSDICT6 is an information gathering tool provided with Backtrack. This tool is used to find all the sub-domains of a website or web server. The most advanced use of DSNDICT6 is to enumerate all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and extract the dumps like sub-domains and IP information. This tool is quite a powerful tool because it also extracts those subdomains which are restricted or invisible for users.
Basic Syntax of DNSDICT6 is:
For example:
dnsdict6 -d4 google.com (This will extract all sub-domains of google and their IPv4 and IPv6 information.)
There are certain parameters that we can use with dnsdict6:
- -d is used to display information on Name Servers and MX Records
- -4 is used to dump IPv4 addresses.
- There are four types of dictionary which are already inbuilt in this tool. -s(mall=50), -m(edium=796) (DEFAULT) -l(arge=1416), or -x(treme=3211).
- -t is used to specify no. of threads.
Advanced Example of DNSDICT6:
dnsdict6 -d46 -x -s -t 10 google.com ( This will extract all the sub-domains of Google with their IPv4 and IPv6 information).
Now let’s learn how to use DNSDICT6.
DNSDICT6 Tool Tutorial Step by Step:
1. First of all, start your Backtrack Linux. Now we have multiple ways to start DNSDICT6.
a. Go to GUI Menu Based options:
Applications –> BackTrack –> Information Gathering –> Network Analysis –> DNS Analysis –> DNSDICT6
b. Open the terminal and type DNSDICT6 to open the tool.
2. After completing the above step, we will see something like:
The above snapshot shows the basic structure of DNSDICT6 syntax and parameters that we can use on it.
3.Now say we want to enumerate all the sub-domains on a website like google.com. Then type the command:
dnsdict6 -d46 -s -t 20 google.com
The above command will enumerate all IPv4 and IPv6 information of all sub-domains of google.com. -s will perform service guessing, and 20 is the number of threads running simultaneously to achieve it.
The below snapshot shows the output of above command:
Now for advanced usage, we can also incorporate the dictionary in our DNSDICT6 command.
First of all, we need to locate the dictionary file. If you don’t have one, create a sample dictionary file on your Virtual Machine Backtrack Desktop, calling the file name dictionary.txt on your desktop.
Now the command will be:
dnsdict6 -d46 -s -t 20 google.com ~/Desktop/dictionary.txt
Now it will only extract those sub-domains whose keywords match with dictionary words. Below is the output of the above execution:
The dictionary based attack is also known as DNSDICT6 Dictionary Brute force attack. This extracts only the information that we wish to extract. It’s the best attack option, but for this, we need to make our dictionary more powerful. There are several hacking database dictionaries available online. You can give them a try.
That’s all about DNSDICT6 Information Gathering Tool.
We hope you all appreciate Hackingloops BEHC campaign and its sub campaign KYB (Know Your Backtrack). If you have any queries or doubts, ask us in the form of comments.
Arunbabu says
Now a days ..backtrack has become obsolete so can we replace it with Kali Linux
Wai Yan says
Sir Lokesh, I’d like to know how to create the dictionary file for example! Thanks for you great hacking technique training sir!
Lokesh Singh says
Hello Yan,
Its quite easy to create dictionary files. Its a simple txt file. There are multiple ways for doing it like download existing dictionary files from online resources, second you can use tools to create custom dictionary txt file for you.
manohar singh says
this is amazing you are doing a great work for students and learners by seeing your site we accomplished our task of hacking thanking you you are greatful