Hey Guys! It’s me again.. Lot of Hackingloops users regularly ask me about hack tools that i use for ethical hacking or Penetration Testing. Some people say that Hacker’s that use tools are novice hackers or script kiddie’s and up to some level they are correct also, if you are totally dependent on hack tools created by others. L33t Hackers are one, who first completely analyses hack tools available in the market, then they customize them according to their needs. The task of converting other’s tool to mine by adding some additional functionality into them is my favourite job and believe me i have customized version of each any every tool that is part of Kali Linux (or its previous version Backtrack) operating system. So i will recommend you guys, that first understand the hack tool that what it do and second what else you can add to it, to make it yours ;) .
Today i will share Best penetration testing tools for Information gathering that i personally use for Penetration testing or Ethical Hacking during Reconnaissance Phase. So guys lets have a quick lookup at Information Gathering Penetration testing tools that i personally use.
Never mind ! Because i have DeXTrUcT!Ve M!ND , but sometimes i get LucKy …
Penetration Testing tools for Reconnaissance Phase (i.e. Information Gathering) :
There are more that 20 + tools that i use for Information gathering as its the most important phase of any hack attack and its always good to gather as much as information you can gather. Because very less people are aware that information that we have collected in this phase is used to create dictionary files for brute force attacks and other social engineering attacks. So of my favourite Information gathering tools are :
a. Google (best for passive information gathering) : Use Google dorks at their best. You can get 1000’s of such dorks at exploit-db.com website.
b. Facebook, Google +, Linked In and other social networking sites are great places to gather personal information about anyone.
c. Nothing beats NETCRAFT if you have to do passive information gathering of WEB SERVERS.
d. Whois is always informative as still considered as best tool for passive information gathering about websites.
e. HTTrack and Webripper are also good tools to make offline copy of any website for executing local attacks which we can’t do on servers as nowadays most servers uses exhaustive security protocols.
f. Wireshark : If you are taking about anything related to network sniffing or capturing network data, not a single tool can beat Wireshark. It’s really a Wireless shark which eats everything :P.
g. Few other favourite tools for information gathering are DNSDICT, DNSRECON, DNSENUM.
h. Spokeo : People Search Engine, where you can search people by Name, Email and Phone Number. Try Spokeo:
Find anybody’s photos, videos and blogs instantly. You may be surprised!
There are lot many tools that you guys can use for information gathering.
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