Reverse Engineering Hacking class 2 – Introduction to assembly language |
1. Stack Section – Where the stack is located, stores local variables and function arguments.
2. Data Section – Where the heap is located, stores static and dynamic variables.
3. Code Section – Where the actual program instructions are located.
The stack section starts at the high memory addresses and grows downwards, towards the lower memory addresses; conversely, the data section (heap) starts at the lower memory addresses and grows upwards, towards the high memory addresses. Therefore, the stack and the heap grow towards each other as more variables are placed in each of those sections. I have shown that in below Figure..
High Memory Addresses (0xFFFFFFFF)
———————- <—–Bottom of the stack
| |
| | |
| Stack | | Stack grows down
| | v
| |
|———————| <—-Top of the stack (ESP points here)
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
|———————| <—-Top of the heap
| |
| | ^
| Heap | | Heap grows up
| | |
| |
|———————| <—–Bottom of the heap
| |
| Instructions |
| |
| |
Low Memory Addresses (0x00000000)
Instruction | Example | Description |
push | push eax | Pushes the value stored in EAX onto the stack |
pop | pop eax | Pops a value off of the stack and stores it in EAX |
call | call 0x08abcdef | Calls a function located at 0x08abcdef |
mov | mov eax,0x5 | Moves the value of 5 into the EAX register |
sub | sub eax,0x4 | Subtracts 4 from the value in the EAX register |
add | add eax,0x1 | Adds 1 to the value in the EAX register |
inc | inc eax | Increases the value stored in EAX by one |
dec | dec eax | Decreases the value stored in EAX by one |
cmp | cmp eax,edx | Compare values in EAX and EDX; if equal set the zero flag* to 1 |
test | test eax,edx | Performs an AND operation on the values in EAX and EDX; if the result is zero, sets the zero flag to 1 |
jmp | jmp 0x08abcde | Jump to the instruction located at 0x08abcde |
jnz | jnz 0x08ffff01 | Jump if the zero flag is set to 1 |
jne | jne 0x08ffff01 | Jump to 0x08ffff01 if a comparison is not equal |
and | and eax,ebx | Performs a bit wise AND operation on the values stored in EAX and EBX; the result is saved in EAX |
or | or eax,ebx | Performs a bit wise OR operation on the values stored in EAX and EBX; the result is saved in EAX |
xor | xor eax,eax | Performs a bit wise XOR operation on the values stored in EAX and EBX; the result is saved in EAX |
leave | leave | Remove data from the stack before returning |
ret | ret | Return to a parent function |
nop | nop | No operation (a ‘do nothing’ instruction) |
Each instruction performs one specific task, and can deal directly with registers, memory addresses, and the contents thereof. It is easiest to understand exactly what these functions are used for when seen in the context of a simple hello world program and try to relate assembly language with high level language such as C language.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
printf(“Hello World!n”);
return 0;
Save this program as helloworld.c and compile it with ‘gcc -o helloworld helloworld.c’; run the resulting binary and it should print “Hello World!” on the screen and exit. Ahhah… It looks quite simple. Now let’s look how it will look in assembly language.
0x8048384 push ebp <— Save the EBP value on the stack
0x8048385 mov ebp,esp <— Create a new EBP value for this function
0x8048387 sub esp,0x8 <—Allocate 8 bytes on the stack for local variables
0x804838a and esp,0xfffffff0 <—Clear the last byte of the ESP register
0x804838d mov eax,0x0 <—Place a zero in the EAX register
0x8048392 sub esp,eax <—Subtract EAX (0) from the value in ESP
0x8048394 mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x80484c4 <—Place our argument for the printf() (at address 0x08048384) onto the stack
0x804839b call 0x80482b0 <_init 56> <—Call printf()
0x80483a0 mov eax,0x0 <—Put our return value (0) into EAX
0x80483a5 leave <—Clean up the local variables and restore the EBP value
0x80483a6 ret <—Pop the saved EIP value back into the EIP register
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