DNSRECON Video Tutorial on Kali Linux : DNSRECON is best tool on Kali Linux for performing DNS Information gathering, we can gather almost each and every DNS information about our target using DNSRECON tool. We can perform different types of DNS enumerations using DNSRECON tool like standard enumeration, brute force enumeration, top level domain enumeration, Cache Snooping, DNS Zone walking etc.. We have created a DNRECON video tutorial for our users to learn how to use DNSRECON tool effectively on Kali Linux. Lets learn how to use DNSRECON tool.

DSNRECON Video Tutorial on Kali Linux
How to Navigate to DNSRECON tool in Kali Linux?
Go to Applications –> Information Gathering –> DNS Analysis –> DNSRECON
Important Options available on DNSRECON tool :
-d : This option is used to specify your target website i.e. website you want gather information about. We will see it live in dnsrecon video tutorial.
-r : This option is used to specify IP address range for reverse DNS lookups.
-t : This option is used to specify the type of enumeration we wish to perform. Along with this option we can provide several other additional options for different type of enumerations like :
For standard Enumeration : -t std
For brute force Enumeration : -t brt
For Top level domain enumeration : -t tld
For zone transfer : -t axfr
For Google Enumerations : -t goo
For Cache snooping : -t snoop -n <name_server_IP> -D <file_path>
-D : Used to provide our own custom wordlist file to brute force all sub domains. If we don’t specify this option it will pick the default.
-n : Used to provide custom name servers. If you don’t specify this it will use SOA record of your target website.
–xml, –db, -c, -j : These options are used for storing the results in a particular format i.e. XML, SQLITE, CSV, JSON respectively.
-a, -s, -z : These are additional options which can be used with standard enumeration option. We can use these option to perform mixed enumerations like -a (zone transfer with std enumeration), -s(reverse look up with std enumeration), -z (zone walk with std enumeration) etc.
Now lets see a sample DNS query for DNSRECON tool.
Sample DNSRECON Usage :
dnsrecon -d anytargetwebsite.com -t std –xml ~/Desktop/Hackingloops/newfile.xml
For cache snooping :
dnsrecon -d anytargetwebsite.com -t snoop -n <name_server> -D <Wordlist File Path> –xml <output result file.xml>
DNSRECON Video Tutorial :
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